| 1. | In several whistles, three stages have been identified ( edge tone ).
| 2. | There are two different types of whistle tones-hole tones and edge tones.
| 3. | The preferred frequencies in shallow cavities are different from those for the edge tone.
| 4. | The lower figure on the right may be called a " wake edge tone ".
| 5. | Her soprano now has a somewhat hard-edged tone, and the sustained notes can be tremulous.
| 6. | The actress portraying the title character is invaluable in establishing and sustaining this double-edged tone.
| 7. | Considering the edge tone, noted above, one might expect several jumps in frequency, but none occur.
| 8. | Numerical simulations of the edge tone and extensive references can be found in a NASA report.
| 9. | If the edge tone is relevant, perhaps the characteristic dimension should be the gap between the blades.
| 10. | The deftly bizarre jokes, the outlandish symbols, the double-edged tone of voice are all in plain view.